WebWhacker downloads entire pages from the World Wide Web. It allows you to view those pages at any time from your local desktop without having to reconnect to the Internet. When you've found a Web page you would like to save locally: 1. Start WebWhacker. 2. Open a Group. Choose New Group or Open Group from the File menu to create a new group or open an existing one. A "Group" is a way to organize the pages you collect. It can consist of the pages from one Web site or pages from several sites that are in the same category, for, example, Weather pages or Wine pages. 3. Add a URL to the Group. Click on the Web-to-folder icon to add the current Web browser page. Repeat this step if you have more. Or use New URL from the File menu. See WebWhacker Tips for other methods. To automatically download levels below a URL, choose Whack Levels from the Options menu. New URLs have 2 icons. A large globe means this URL is remote, or has not been downloaded. A knife indicates the page will be downloaded on the next Whack. All URLs with a knife will be downloaded. 4. Download. Click on the toolbar Knife. WebWhacker connects to the Internet and downloads the pages and their images. After whacking, pages successfully downloaded show a file symbol instead of the globe, indicating the pages are now local. 5. Add Links from downloaded pages. Optionally, click on the toolbar Links icon. From the Add Links window, you can review the list of links on downloaded pages and add some of these pages to the group. Mark and Add additional links to the group and whack again. 6. View pages in a Group. View any page in your group list by double-clicking on it to display it in your browser. If the URL has a large globe next to it, your browser will navigate to the World Wide Web to display the page. If the URL has a page icon with a small globe inside, your browser will display the page from your desktop instead. See WebWhacker Tips for further details and options.